5 Essential Job Hacks For Job-seeking Fresh Graduates

  1. Acquire Digital Skills.

Microsoft Office Suite: Proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Digital Marketing: Courses on SEO, social media marketing, and online advertising.

Data Analysis: Learning tools like Microsoft Excel or more advanced data analysis tools.

Basic Coding: Introduction to programming languages like Python or JavaScript

  1. Take professional skills and soft skills training on the following:

Communication Skills: Courses in effective communication, both written and verbal.

Time Management: Learning to manage your time efficiently.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Understanding how to work effectively in a team.

Problem Solving: Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  1. Learning a new language can be a valuable skill, especially if you plan to work in a global or multilingual environment.
  2. Internships and volunteering experience provide hands-on experience and networking opportunities too.
  3. As you are gaining new skills and knowledge don’t forget to build a portfolio or Resume to showcase your work or qualifications. This can be valuable in demonstrating your capabilities to potential employers.

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