10 Shocking Things You Never Knew About Your Dreams

Dreams, as we know, have always been a source of mystic, fascinating things. Despite dedicating roughly a third of our lives to sleep, the realm of dreams remains largely a frontier yet to be fully discovered. Here are 10 shocking facts about dreams that might leave you surprised:

1. The average person has about 1460 dreams a year.

2. The longest dreams occurs in the morning and that could be 30-40 minutes.

3. 70% of our dreams contains secrets.

4. Tripping in your dream and waking up with a twitch is real.This happens when your brain thinks you are dying.

5. Animals dream too.

6. Constantly dreaming about someone may indicate that they are actually missing or thinking about you.

7. Cooler the room, scarier the dreams.

8. You can tell if you are dreaming or not by looking around for clocks, clocks will never be in dreams.

9. Research suggested that time spent in your dreams help us overcome painful memories.

10. Your dreams are like a mirror. They reflect your inner most feelings about the world and the people around you.


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