Reactions as Governor Soludo Transforms Water Supply in Nnewi, Ends 16-Year Drought

Governor Charles Soludo of Anambra State has reignited efforts to tackle the longstanding water scarcity in Nnewi Urban by resuming construction on the previously abandoned Pipe-Borne Water Scheme project.

Since taking office, Governor Soludo has made significant strides in fulfilling his campaign promises, focusing on creating a robust development agenda across various sectors including security, roads, health, education, and agriculture. The revival of the Nnewi Urban water supply project, dormant since 2012, marks a pivotal moment in his administration. The project aims to provide reliable and safe drinking water, a critical need that has gone unmet for over a decade.

The push to resume work on this essential utility follows the Governor’s resolution of issues with the defunct Anambra State Water Corporation earlier this February. The water board, which was shut down in 2012, left over 1,000 employees in limbo without their entitlements. Soludo’s intervention has not only kickstarted the water project but also restored faith among the locals in Nnewi Urban and the wider Anambra State community.

Celebrating his second anniversary in office, Governor Soludo reiterated his dedication to serving the people of Anambra and enhancing their quality of life through substantial and meaningful projects. The people of Nnewi Urban are witnessing firsthand the fruits of his governance, as tangible progress on the water scheme unfolds.


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