Health Emergency Tips You Must Learn to Perform at All Times— Dr. CKO
There are various distinct techniques for various emergency health issues ranging from head to toe, endeavour to include it as part of onboarding trainings at various work places and market places that way you spread the knowledge faster.
- Head;
If someone faints of any cause or falls to convulse (seizure):
Don’t lift him up…leave him to stay on ground, flat…give them enough space for ventilation.
Don’t attempt to lift them anywhere near the upper body, they fainted cos the brain couldn’t get enough supply of blood and oxygen thus stay flat and if you must lift anything please lift only the legs and loosen the belts and girdle to trim tummy for body shaper users.
Don’t slap them…
Don’t put spoon 🥄 or anything inside their mouth…
Don’t force them to drink water…
Don’t shake them…
check if they have pulse by touching the neck wrist or waist big arteries…if you found a pulse thank God, be sure someone is effectively calling an ambulance, anambra has emergency medical services responding via ambulance, call 112. i have done a tester before in recent times.
- Neck, throat and chest emergency issues;
if someone whilst eating and have something stuck and become serious they can’t sort it themselves by way of things like coughing it out, you intervene otherwise encourage them to continue coughing if they can and provide well ventilated space.
if they stop coughing, kindly call for ambulance immediately, goto his or her back and do what we call heimlich manoeuvre, pay attention to these steps;
Step 1: Stand behind the person and reach both arms around their waist.
Step 2: Clench one fist and position it so that it is above the person’s navel and below their ribcage.
Step 3: Clasp the clenched fist with the other hand.
Step 4: Quickly thrust the clenched fist backward and upward under their ribcage. Do this 6–10 times in quick succession.
Step 5: Continue to perform abdominal thrusts until the obstruction dislodges from the airways or until the emergency services arrive.
Step 6: Ensure that the person receives medical attention as soon as possible, even if they have stopped choking.
As for chest emergencies;
First and foremost, malaria and typhoid don’t cause chest pains, any chest pain should be well investigated with blood tests and ecg by seeing a proper doctor not chemist man, especially if the chest pain is recurrent, comes with exercise or activity, don’t dismiss it. In situations when the person develops sudden sustaining chest pain…call ambulance immediately, i won’t mention drugs (asides aspirin) on this post it’s not the purpose of the post. loosen tight bands and fittings, ensure ventilation is adequate and don’t give them anything, if they have their own drugs like aspirin give them 4tabs (300mg) at once. stay down and flat, unfortunately this is the tricky bit, if they should need cardiac resuscitation i don’t know what will happen in that setting cos you don’t have the defibrillator, but if they stop making any move or expressing pain, you check their neck, waist and wrist no pulse start doing CPR- unfortunately most people don’t know how to do cpr and even use the cpr to hurt the person more and send them faster. Get to youtube now and learn how to do EFFECTIVE cpr.
if anything emergency should revolve around the tummy etc down, head to hospital too it could be bleeding inside the stomach and it kills within few mins if you don’t take action to get them to hospital staying flat on their side to avoid aspiration. Especially if they have ulcer. If pregnancy is involved and tummy pain, the woman already attends ANC and gets teachings from midwives so they know what to do, if they can’t speak, stay flat and on their left side and get them to the hospital immediately.
There are many but I don’t want to make it very long.
A society where the masses don’t know how to be good effective bystander first responders but are more interested in who will first share the news and post, while someone is dying or would think that it’s by struggling and shaking the person you bring them back is bound to cause more avoidable deaths. And on the other side, you can create better healthcare using your vote and advocacy actions but you’re looking for your gains and interests, just be sure you’re going to survive any health emergencies with all the gains you packed in case it hits you. Even the big men leading the country with all their loots don’t survive it.
“This is the kind of messages you spread not bad news and gossips of broken marriages and premature rip.”
Dr. Charles Kene Ojukwu CKO is a Nigerian, based and practicing in the UK.