What You Need to Know About The Recently Discovered Hard Drug

De Erudite Communications and Multimedia Services
November 1, 2021.

Drugs can be described as chemical substances including prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines,ohol, tobacco, among other substances that are capable to change how the body and mind work.

Misuse of drugs can cause a lot of damage to the body and mind. This gives credence to the cases of insanity, memory loss, extreme dryness of the mouth and bad breath, higher blood pressure, etc. that in some cases could lead to abrupt death of mostly young people in the Society.

According to the National Drug, Law and Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), misuse of drugs is capable of reducing the population of a nation, increase rate of crimes and criminalities in any society.

Drug misuse include: using illegal substances, such as Anabolic steroids, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Methamphetamine etamine, etc. It also encompasses the misuse of prescription medicines, that is taking medicines in a different way than the health care provider prescribed. This could be by either taking a medicine that was prescribed for someone else or taking a larger dose than you are supposed to. In some cases, some misuse medicines for another purpose, such as to get high or more strengths to carry out certain tasks.

Moreover, drug abuse occurs through the misuse of over the-counter medicines either for specific purpose other than what they are prescribed for or using them in a different way than you are supposed to.

What You Need to Know About the Effects of Methamphetamine on it’s Users in Nigeria.

Methamphetamine is a hard drug that is not only illegal but also highly addictive. It is a psych stimulant drug that is similar to amphetamine and taken by youths due to its beaming effects on the body. Reports by researchers confirmed that street guys gave different names to this deadly drug which includes Ice, Mkpuru Mmiri, and many other names given to it.

The above names of Methamphetamine by its users are given to it to avoid the general public knowledge of its effects on those who consume it. These names are also given to disguise the business before the law enforcement agencies.

Meanwhile, in the South Eastern region of Nigeria as well as many other parts of the country, young people take this dangerous drug majorly for the pleasurable effects it has on the body. This is because, the drug affects the brain and causes a massive release of the pleasure hormone known as dopamine to the users.

Sadly, many are unaware that this drug not only provides pleasurable effects but also kills its consumers slowly.
From the release by NDLEA, Methamphetamine can be locally made and far cheaper and more dangerous than even cocaine.

Moreover, due to the longer lasting effects on the human body, most youth who are into it, take it on empty stomach, and also take it without holding back because of the purported satisfaction it creates to the users.

Side Effects of Misuse of Methamphetamine (Ice, Mkpuru Mmiri, etc).

According the NDLEA, there are several side effects of constantly taking hard drugs especially the trending drug known as ‘Mkpuru Mmiri’, Ice in some regions in Nigeria which includes; High Blood Pressure, Memory loss, Nausea, rapid or irregular heartbeat, insomnia/sleeplessness, extreme weight loss, dilated pupils, extreme dryness of the mouth as well as bad breath among others.

Little wonder, the increasing rate in fatality or death of
the young people who are addicted to drugs. A few number of death are often attached to the cases of heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular diseases due to the excess intake of drugs.

Thus, the spotting of this drug and its rate of intakes by the young ones in the Nigerian Society bothers the public. That’s what led to the effort of the NDLEA towards containing the excessive drug intakes by the young people which had led to various unfortunate incident and abrupt death of many.

Young people today are at the mercy of those who go on to manufacture or discover new drugs and alcohol.

Consequently, the results they get unabatedly affect them directly due to their lack of adequate orientation on the dangerous effects of those hard drugs when taken excessively in the body system.

Ways to curtail the Implications of Excessive Drug Intakes by the young people in Nigeria.

The parental involvement in the fight against drug abuse in the society can help to place greater measures towards curtailing the act.

To this effect, guardians and counselors are expected to step up actions in cautioning and educating the children from their tenderr age.

The National Drug and Law Enforcement Agency NDLEA, should intensify efforts to organizing a sensitization program on the dangerous implications of hard drugs consumption by the young people.

Government at the various level should interfere by providing the opportunity for the youth to rightfully engaged rather than involving themselves in certain activities of crimes and criminalities in the society.

Churches alongside other Non-governmental Organizations should be involved in inculcating moral support and encouragement of the young people through different empowerment schemes such as skills acquisition, sports and entertainment academy, among others. This when achieved, would help to dissuade the young people from participating in any form of illegalities in the society.

The NDLEA should be proactive in prosecuting those caught in the act of drug misuse/abuse as well as stand up against the business on hard drugs from being legalized in the country.

Campaigns against the intakes of hard drugs by the youth should be intensified. This among other measures could be of a great help to curbing the rampant excessive drug intakes by the young people in Nigeria.

Those who are found under the influence of drugs should be reported to the appropriate authorities and also be directed to a doctor for possible tests and medications.

@ De Erudite Media


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