Nigerians Paid 87 Million Bribes In 2023 – NBS

Nigerians Paid 87 Million Bribes In 2023 - NBS

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has said Nigerians paid 87 million bribes in the year 2023.

National Bureau of Statistics in its Nigeria Corruption Survey report, released on Thursday, said that 70 percent of Nigerians who were asked to pay a bribe refused to pay at least once.

The Corruption Survey carried out in collaboration with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said, the 87 million bribes paid by Nigerians was a decrease from the 2019 report of 117 million bribes.

About 87 million bribes were paid in 2023, compared with 117 million bribes in 2019- the equivalent of an average of 0.8 bribes each per adult,” it read.

The report said most adult Nigerians refused to pay bribes without minding what the repercussions would be. It added that 34 percent of citizens refused to pay bribes.

“70% of Nigerians who were asked to pay a bribe refused to do so on at least one occasion, & at least 42% of respondents refused to pay a bribe because it was the right thing to do.

In 2023, 34 percent of citizens in contact with public officials paid a bribe or were asked to pay a bribe and refused.

“A large share of Nigerians refuses to pay bribes, increasingly without fear of repercussions,” the report said.

According to the report, bribery is higher in rural areas than urban areas. It added that the prevalence of bribery since 2019 remained stable.

The frequency of bribery is, on average, higher in rural areas than in urban areas. In 2023, bribe-payers living in urban areas paid on average 4.5 bribes, while those living in rural areas paid on average 5.8 bribes.

“Bribery prevalence has remained relatively stable compared with four years ago,” it read.

The corruption survey report said while public sector corruption remained high, there was increase in private sector corruption.

Private sector bribery is increasing, but continues to be less prevalent than in the public sector,” it added.

The post Nigerians Paid 87 Million Bribes In 2023 – NBS appeared first on Naija News.


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