CHURCH: Confusions As Former Anglican Bishop Ordains to the Roman Catholic Priesthood

…Former Anglican Bishop ordained a Catholic Priest
… Wife, Children Express Delight

De Erudite Communications and Multimedia Services
November 3rd, 2021.

Churches in African countries including Nigeria might not rest until they eliminate the enduring negative influences of bad leadership practicable rocking the system. Thus, ineptitude records in government and church leadership respectively have severely dealt with the society, leaving individuals, families, communities, and nations spiritually wanton while people scamper for miracles in churches as the only possible solutions to their endemic problems.

Consequently, it has continued to beat the imagination of every sensible human being why the poor masses in the society would forego their various sources of livelihood, to attend daily church activities waiting for God to deliver them from the vicissitudes of life.

Sadly, the magnitudes of displeasure in the minds of Nigerians
can not be underplayed with regards to the political office holders also resorting to church to pray against the glaring aftermath of bad governance.

The indisputable position of the majority of people in the world is that there is a Supreme being called God, who spearhead the fortunes of life.

However, the advent of Christianity in the world, Africa, and Nigeria to be precise have successfully redefined the traditional belief systems that existed in every society, in which activities of daily living are uttered by misconceptions, superstition, ignorant as well as inferiority complex.

Nonetheless, confusions have once again set in Roman Catholic Church over the case of Michael Nazir-Ali, who was ordained to the Roman Catholic Priesthood on Sunday.

Reverend Father Michael Nazir-Ali who was the former Anglican
Bishop of Rochester, Sunday, October 30th, 2021 was ordained to the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church at Rochester, New York.

Some Anglican Bishops, wife and children of Rev Fr Nasir-Ali were present on the occasion of the unprecedented ordination.

Meanwhile, the family members expressed delight
over the new dawn in their family even as they pray God to strengthen their father towards the propagation of the gospel.

Michael James Nazir-Ali, born in 19th August, 1949 is a Pakistani-born British now, a former Anglican prelate who served as the 106th Bishop of Rochester from 1994 to 2009, and now, a Roman Catholic Priest.

He is also the current director of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue.

The news of the former Anglican Bishop has kept the Christians intrigued following his received ordination to the Catholic Church on the 30th of October, 2021 as a priest for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Consequent upon the development, believers are at the moment wallowing in absolute bewilderment over the future of the Roman Catholic Church across the glob.

Although, arguably, the church rules the world and of course, can not be separated from the politics and leadership of the world. This draws credence to the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the government of different countries in the world.

Meanwhile, the rate of religious fanaticism in the country has aided unimaginably the prevalent nation divide in the Nigeria.

In Nigeria today, Christians are living in fear of losing their faith in the world while the leaders of the church are either adamant or unproductive in response to the worries, persecution, and sufferings being faced by Christians in the country.

Questions begging for answers are; Have the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church been finally uttered by the present church leadership, Have they given in to the pressures of politics and wealth, would Reverend fathers and the bishops be allowed to get married, who was really behind the case of the former Anglican prelate Michael Nasir- Ali who is now a Roman Catholic priest, finally, what is the current state of the believers in catholic teachings of the gospel?
Christians in Nigeria may still be asleep or in slumber in defense of the gospel.

@De Erudite Media


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