Amazing: Giant Penis Makes Rain Fall In Thailand.

In what could be termed as very strange and surprising, Local villagers in Yothaka, in Thailand’s Chachoengsao province, ended a period of drought by building a giant penis sculpture.

The super-sized phallus, or “Palad Khik” in Thai language, was erected on Jun 9 in response to farmers’ concerns that there hadn’t been enough rain recently and that water from irrigation canals was too salty and had been damaging crops.

De Erudite Media gathered that sometime last week, local village headman, Chamnan Kenthongdaeng, 52, told a press conference that on June 11, just two days after the giant penis was installed it had started raining, with a shower that lasted some half an hour.

Koson Samang, the headman of a nearby village, had made a video of the rain to confirm the phenomenon.

However, local farmers complained that the brief shower hadn’t been long enough to irrigate their fields. Chamnan promised that prayers to the phallus will continue.

He told Pattaya News that erecting a Palad Khik, representing fertility and new growth, was a local tradition practiced in the area for generations.


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